How can I find freelance conservation writing opportunities? 

June 20, 2024

When people want to move into the field of conservation writing, they’re often not sure where to look to find freelance writing gigs. Thankfully, there are lots of brilliant newsletters out there that regularly share freelance writing opportunities. These aren’t all focused on conservation but they include lots of brilliant opportunities that might be relevant to climate or environmental writing. And because people ask me this question all the time, I’ve shared a list of my favourites below. 

Freedom with Writing 

Freedom with Writing connects freelance writers with editors and publishers seeking their work. They aim to make it easy for professional freelance writers to get paid. The newsletter regularly shares different opportunities for freelance writers.

Freelance Opportunities

Kaitlyn Arford researches and curates freelance opportunities for all kinds of independent workers including writers, journalists, copy editors and more. Her Freelance Opportunities newsletter delivers a new list of freelance opportunities to your inbox every week.

Freelance Writing Jobs

Freelance Writing Jobs is the UK's leading media industry newsletter for freelance calls for pitches and paying freelance writing jobs. You can sign up here.

The Writers Job Newsletter

TWJN collates the best freelance writing jobs and opportunities and delivers them to your inbox weekly.

Conservation Careers

Conservation Careers has the biggest conservation job board online with over 15,000 conservation jobs, volunteer positions and internships. You can check it out here.

The Channels Network 

Channels is a free and voluntary grassroots community initiative for social impact communications professionals, with a specific focus on providing a platform for early career professionals & those new to the field to develop professionally.

I hope you found this useful. Good luck with your search for freelance conservation writing opportunities! 

Hi, I'm Mel and I write about the ocean. Thanks so much for reading this post. I hope these hints help you find more freelance conservation writing opportunities. I'm happy to offer my insights for free to help young writers (or career switchers!). But if you've found this useful, I'd be very grateful for anyone who considers buying me a virtual coffee.

Ready to chat?


Great to hear you're interested in working together - I'm always keen to hear about exciting new stories from marine conservationists, potential commissions from editors and suitable briefs from prospective clients.

So, let's chat. You can send me an email (I aim to respond within three working days, usually sooner) or book a call below. I look forward to hearing from you.

Melissa wearing a blue top and smiling at the camera with a blue wall and painted mural of jungle plants in the background

Please note: due to high demand, I often have a wait time for new clients and cannot guarantee last-minute availability.

As such, please give as much notice as possible for your projects. Thank you!

Or book a call:

I do not work with the fossil fuel industry. If that's you, please look for support elsewhere. Thank you.

The Ocean Writer Ltd. Registered company number: 14772669

Black text on a white background reading Proudly Supporting Project Seagrass. There are green circles swirling around the word project

I support Project Seagrass by donating 1% of every cleared payment from my services via Work for Good

The logo of Work for Good

N.B. I do not work with the fossil fuel industry. If that's you, please look for support elsewhere. Thank you.

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