You probably won't be surprised to hear that I'm often approached by people asking “how can I do what you do?”. So here are some tips that might help you become a freelance conservation writer.
Lots of people want to move into conservation because they're passionate about having a positive impact and we need those motivated people doing their bit. But, depending on your background so far and how much you know about the sector, you might need to invest the time in building your knowledge of conservation and sustainability. If you don't yet have extensive knowledge and expertise around conservation issues, you might want to look into courses to upskill (spoiler: there are lots of free ones).
Start it off on the side
If you did want to go freelance, think about whether this is something you can do on the side (if you're allowed in your contract) to build up the type of experience you want or need before you dive into full-time freelancing.
Get experience working with agencies as a freelance conservation writer
Depending on your level of experience, you might want to try working for a for-purpose agency that has clients you love and/or shares your values. You can find plenty of mission-driven agencies online. Sites like Charity Job and Conservation Careers can be helpful too.
Agency work can be a great way to use your writing skills, learn about the conservation sector and build up your experience with a bit more security than going straight into full-time freelance work. Going fully freelance from zero can be a big leap so make sure you've carefully considered how you'll support yourself.
Build a savings buffer
It's a good idea to have a savings buffer before you go freelance full-time so think about how you could build that up to give yourself a safety net while you get going (it can be slow to start getting clients, people might pay late etc)
Be realistic
Be aware that freelancing isn't for everyone: it can be great (I love it) but it is hard. You have to do everything yourself: market yourself, find the work, do your accounts and admin, none of which you're getting paid for. You also don't get benefits like holiday pay or sick days. So make sure that's right for you. Check out resources like Freelancer magazine and the Being Freelance podcast to get an idea of what freelance life is realliy like. I'm not trying to put you off freelancing (as I say, it's great for me) but it's definitely worth knowing the realities before jumping ship...
Build your portfolio
At first, you might feel like there's a catch 22 with your freelance conservation writing: you can't get the opportunities because you don't have experience but you can't get the experience without an opportunity. Consider whether there are ways you can build up your experience through blogging (on your own site or through guest posts for other people) or volunteering if it's right for you (not everyone is in the privileged position to be able to volunteer, though, and that's OK too if you can't).
Do your research
When you're starting out, it can be hard to know exactly what's involved in a career as a freelance conservation writer. So take steps to inform yourself so you can be sure this is right for you. Search online, listen to podcasts and join webinars to learn as much as you can. You might even be able to find a helpful course.
Market yourself
People aren't going to know you're able to help them if you don't let them know. So don't be shy to reach out to potential clients and think about the best way to market yourself: do you have a website? Can you share your skills and availability on social media? Could you exchange guest blog posts with likeminded professionals? Or offer yourself up as a podcast guest? There are lots of ways to promote your offering and you don't have to do everything but choosing a few key tactics is a great way to get your name out.
Be patient
As with any career, building up your experience as a freelance conservation writer takes time. I've been building this career for over eight years and still feel like I have a long way to go! So be patient and kind to yourself if things don't move as quickly as you'd like. You got this!
I hope these hints help you in your journey to becoming a freelance conservation writer. Good luck!