Tag press office

No good cause unfunded

Graphic illustrating someone updating their JustGiving profile on their phone by adding pictures and a campaign description.
How Melissa and her team helped JustGiving create widespread media coverage about its incredible fundraising campaigns.

Going mainstream

BDA logo
How Melissa helped the Deaf-led charity British Deaf Association raise its profile in mainstream UK & Irish media.

Making travel meaningful

Red Daigoji temple in Japan set against the trees with red and green leaves and in front of an orange-red bridge.
How Melissa helped Rickshaw Travel shake up how people think about their holidays and get them talking about meaningful travel.

Funding dreams

Corinne Barber getting a blessing from Pope Francis on a trip to the Vatican paid for by a fundraising campaign (Image: PA)
How Melissa and her team helped GoFundMe amplify human-interest crowdfunding stories for maximum media coverage.

Making noise for the BDA

Blue letters on white background saying "History made. BSL Bill passed" to celebrate the passing of the British Sign Language Bill.
How Melissa helped BDA publicise the historic passing of the BSL Bill which meant British Sign Language is now recognised in Scottish law.